I.H.A.C.'s Marty Hastings Golf Tournament 2017

To benefit the Boys & Girls Club of Worcester
Friday, June 23, 2017 - 11:00am to 3:00pm
Heritage Country Club
85 Sampson Rd
Charlton, MA 01507

Join us on Friday, June 23, 2017, for the I.H.A.C.’s Marty Hastings Memorial Golf Tournament at the Heritage Club in Charlton, Massachusetts.

  • 1:00 p.m., Double Shotgun
  • 11:00 a.m., Registration Opens

Double Shotgun Style will be played

Entry fee is $125 per golfer ($500 for a foursome) and includes:

  • Greens Fee
  • Golf Cart
  • Golf Shirt
  • Dinner
  • Contests
    • Longest Drive
    • Closest to the Pin 

Sponsorship Opportunities

  • Eagle Sponsor ($5,000) Presenting Sponsor Entitles to three foursomes, the sponsors name/logo on a large banner, the option of featuring the sponsor’s own banner at dinner, a free tee sponsor, as well as being mentioned in our e-newsletter and website.
  • Birdie Sponsor ($2,500) Entitles to two foursomes, the sponsor’s name/logo on a large banner, a free tee sponsor, as well as being mentioned in our e-newsletter and website.
  • Par Sponsor ($1,000) Entitles to one foursome, a free tee sponsor, as well, as being mentioned in our e-newsletter and website.
  • Flag/Tee Sponsor ($100) Will receive recognition with their name on a sign placed at a hole on the golf course.
  • Dinner Guest ($50) For anyone who is unable to participate in the golf tournament, but wishes to join us for dinner. 
For more information, contact: