Bob was an outstanding athlete at North High, where he earned All-City honors in basketball and baseball. He later played basketball at Leicester Junior College under Paige Rowden, and was name an All-American in 1971. Bob went on to the University of Buffalo, where he was named All East First Team in 1973. He was drafted by the Buffalo Braves of the NBA. At Leicester Junior College, he was named Junior College All American in basketball and Coach of the Year (1971 & 1975). Bob coached basketball at Tahanto Regional High School and is currently the coach at Worcester Vocational High School. He was elected to the New England College Basketball Hall of Fame in 2002.
For Bob, being a Club kid meant meeting other kids from all over the city and going to different places such as beaches and museums. The pool, snaps and not surprisingly, basketball, were his favorite activities at the Club.
“It made me grow up real quick and made me understand how other kids were being brought up from all over the city. I had a chance to have friendships with people I would’ve never been able to have from all over the city. It made me appreciate people like Dick Dean and Dick Daly. That is why I am who I am today. The Boy’s Club is the place to go and meet other kids.“I always wanted to be a boxer. Well, I fought for the Club Championship and knew right away that boxing was not for me. I was knocked out in the first round with one punch.”
Bob lives in Worcester, where he raised four children.